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AzonAuthority - Professional Licence - Affiliate Information

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AzonAuthority - Professional Licence information

Sale Price





Sean Donahoe

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
AzonAuthority 04/02/2015 75+ 0.15% $0.15 $97.00 50% 30.23%
AzonAuthority - Professional Licence 04/02/2015 4,500+ 8.25% $8.19 $99.24 50% 18.19%
AzonAuthority - Single Site License 04/02/2015 200+ 0.37% $0.25 $67.00 50% 29.19%
AzonAuthority - Trial License 04/02/2015 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 50% 0%
AzonAuthority - Done For You Power Builder 04/02/2015 1,500+ N/A% $N/A $97.00 50% 20.68%
AzonAuthority - Done For You Power Builder Lite 04/02/2015 500+ N/A% $N/A $47.00 50% 18.64%
AzonAuthority - Advanced Training and Power Bundle 04/02/2015 250+ N/A% $N/A $197.00 50% 22.58%
AzonAuthority - Power Bundle Only 04/02/2015 75+ N/A% $N/A $97.00 50% 16.48%